What's New > CHRC’s HR Management Toolkit now includes a new tool!
“Workplace Harassment and Violence” is one of the outcomes of CHRC’s Respectful Workplaces in the Arts project. This guide was developed specifically for arts organizations, responding to their need for information to deal with situations of harassment in arts workplaces. It takes into account that most employers in the cultural sector are not-for-profit organizations led by volunteer Boards, and that they frequently deal with contract employment and non-traditional workplaces.
“Prevent harassment before having to deal with it. Minimize risks by setting conduct expectations through policies, including a code of conduct. Understand your legal obligations. Ensure employees are aware of the organization’s zero-tolerance stance on harassment. Cultivate a workplace culture where it’s understood that containing harassment is everyone’s responsibility.”
– Laura Williams, Williams HR
The guide includes a 'Sample Policy on Workplace Harassment and Violence', and provides advice and recommendations on internal reporting and investigating procedures, and a 'Fact Sheet on Legislation and Other Resources'. A 'Checklist of Steps to Take' for organizations to prevent and deal with harassment and violence in the workplace is also included.
This guide is very timely for the cultural sector, as former Canadian Heritage Minister Joly stated in April 2018 that “arts and culture organizations will now be required to commit in writing to providing a workplace free of harassment and sexual misconduct in order to receive federal funding.” Going forward, changes will be made to funding agreements, application forms and approval letters for any funding provided by the Heritage Department and the Canada Council of the Arts, requiring recipients to explicitly commit to providing a harassment-free workplace.
This comprehensive tool will help employers, Boards, artists, and cultural workers to provide and experience such respectful workplaces.
“Workplace Harassment and Violence” is FREE and can be downloaded from CHRC’s website. It is also available as a component of CHRC’s comprehensive HR Management Toolkit.