About the Membership

It’s About Networking, Best Practices and Sharing of Knowledge

Learn more about the CITT/ICTS in the About Us section!

The members of CITT/ICTS consist of persons, corporations, partnerships, and unincorporated associations interested in furthering the stated purposes of CITT/ICTS. The Board may from time to time and at its sole discretion establish membership categories which may include but are not limited to:


  • Student: Open to individuals who are recognized full-time students at educational institutions.
  • Individual: Open to persons interested in furthering the stated purposes of CITT/ICTS.
  • Professional: Open to individuals interested in supporting CITT/ICTS at a higher level, in return for which the Board of Directors may from time to time specify certain benefits to be available only to professional members. In all other respects, professional members are entitled to the rights and privileges of individual members.
  • Retired Member: Open to any individual that is no longer active in the industry and wishes to be a member of CITT/ICTS.


  • Organizational: Open to not-for-profit institutions such as universities, colleges, libraries and not-for-profit arts organizations.
  • Sustaining: Open to for profit organizations or firms or any organization wishing to provide a higher level of support to CITT/ICTS.
  • Contributing: Open to any organization wishing to provide a higher level of support to CITT/ICTS.

Each member is entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at all CITT/ICTS meetings. All Organizational, Sustaining, and Contributing members have the right to designate one individual with the power to vote on behalf of the member. Notice of such individual is to be filed with CITT/ICTS prior to the commencement of any meeting where voting may take place.

Your membership allows you to join the Committees of your choice, be a part of your Regional Section's Board (where applicable) and National Board, and you also automatically become a member of OISTAT.

→ Read the CITT/ICTS Member Code of Conduct and Policies
→ Learn more about the Member CATEGORIES AND BENEFITS

Members of CITT/ICTS are encouraged to actively participate in CITT/ICTS's activities:

  • Through some of the ad hoc committees where members can select, review and propose industry standards or looks for ways to develop new services to CITT/ICTS members and encourages them to use the existing services to the fullest extent.
  • Through the Regional Sections members can participate in local activities such as workshops and seminars. Regional Sections also review local and provincial standards.
  • Through the annual Rendez-vous Conference where the members come together for professional development and networking opportunities, as well as attend the annual general meeting to review the CITT/ICTS's annual report. All active members in good standing are eligible to sit on the National and Regional Section Boards.
  • Through the Conference Committee which plans the programming of the Annual Conference which takes place in a different city every year.

Get the most out of your membership with CITT/ICTS!