Respectful Workplaces in the Arts

August 18, 2023, 2:00 - 5:00 PM

Rendez-vous_2023/RV2023_Logo_color_2x.pngAll hours are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Respectful Workplaces in the Arts

Educational Session

Respectful Workplaces presentations encourage better workplace practices and behaviours. The facilitated discussion covers information on Provincial legislation, definitions of harassment and bullying as well as case-studies to navigate the complexities of problematic situations. These workshops are not legal nor therapy clinics, they are designed to help cultural sector stakeholders of all occupations.

After attending this presentation, attendees will be able to...: In one word: awareness. The objective is improve knowledge and accountability standards. Ultimately, the goal is to have all individuals and organizations contributing to better work environments. Leaders will also gain resources to review and/or develop their own policies/codes of conduct.

Date, Time & Location: Friday August 18, 2023 | 14:00 - 17:00 EDT | Meridian Hall - Lower Lobby
Duration: 3 hours (15 minute break at 15:15)
Level: General (for all)
Discipline: EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion); Health & Safety; Human Resources; Management

Presenter: Grégoire Gagnon, D. Mus., MPA & MBA

Executive Director of the Cultural Human Resources Council, Dr. Gagnon is a manager, teacher and musician who strives to make others thrive by fostering culture and promoting arts from the stage to the classroom to the boardroom.