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Live Performance Community

CITT/ICTS promotes the professional development of its members
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CITT/ICTS and Industry News

thumbnail Welcome to our new board members! August 22, 2024
-- CITT/ICTS is very happy to welcome four (4) new administrators to its Board of Directors. -- Daniel Bennett | Director at Large, Toronto ON Daniel Bennett is the Director of Production and Facilities...
thumbnail Thank You, Saskatoon! by Jacquie Lazar August 22, 2024
-- What an extraordinary week we had at Rendez-vous this year! As I continue to reflect on the conference, this article serves as a summary for those who could not attend. A more detailed review will follow...
thumbnail ESTA Standards Watch | August 19, 2024 August 22, 2024
The latest issue of ESTA Standards Watch is now available here. News items in this issue include: * Seven ESTA Standards in Public Review: Comments due on or before 15 September 2024 * ANSI public...
thumbnail 2024 Plenary Discussion - Share your thoughts! August 5, 2024
Will you be at Rendez-vous 2024? Join this year's plenary for an in-depth and engaging discussion about the organization! The plenary will be held just a few minutes after the 2024 CITT/ICTS AGM, in the...
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