WEBINAR | Get it Write: Writing Powerful Proposals in a Diverse Cultural Climate

Décembre 7, 2016, 1:00 - 2:00 PM

Wednesday, December 7th, 2016 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm


Grant writing is a necessary skill for arts organizers, but how do diverse goals and outcomes impact the grant writing process? How do you write a solid grant proposal that addresses the unique qualities of your organization and your approach to diverse programming? This webinar explores how to take the shift in your approach to diversity and the aims of inclusive programming and incorporate them into grant proposals that maximize successful outcomes. 

Facilitator: Jael Richardson

Jael Richardson is the author of The Stone Thrower: A Daughter’s Lesson, a Father’s Life, a memoir based on her relationship with her father, CFL quarterback Chuck Ealey. The memoir received a CBC Bookie Award and earned Richardson an Acclaim Award and a My People Award as an Emerging Artist and was recently adapted into the children’s book The Stone Thrower. Her essay “Conception” is part of Room Magazine’s first Women of Colour edition, and excerpts from her first play, my upside down black face, are published in the anthology T-Dot Griots: An Anthology of Toronto’s Black Storytellers. Richardson is a two-time Write-In-Residence with the  Toronto District School Board. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Guelph, and she lives in Brampton, Ontario where she founded and serves as the Artistic Director for the Festival of Literary Diversity — Canada’s first festival for diverse books. 


View all webinars in this online learning module: