Fabrics and Flames: Essential Guidelines for Fire Code Compliance, Cleaning, and Handling of Stage Drapery

Août 18, 2023, 12:45 - 1:30 PM

Rendez-vous_2023/RV2023_Logo_color_2x.pngAll hours are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Fabrics and Flames
Essential Guidelines for Fire Code Compliance, Cleaning, and Handling of Stage Drapery

TEC Talk

Fire Safety on stages is a real issue - drapes are naturally flammable and, when exposed to hot lights, or electrical sparks, there is an increased risk of fire. Flameproofing on drapes form an important part of a theater's fire safety system.

We'll review the different types of fabrics and flame retardant treatments available. In addition, we'll share practical knowledge from the field sharing little-known facts such as flame retardant wears off over time, and even Inherently Flame Retardant fabrics will become flammable with the accumulation of dust. Finally, we review how to make drapery compliant with the fire code without incurring the significant cost of replacement. Stage Draperies require on-going care and maintenance to continue to look good and be safe. Presentation will discuss fabrics used in theatres, show tips on handling and caring for them to preserve their lifespan.

After attending this presentation, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand how stage drapery plays an important part of a facility’s fire safety system.
  • Review Fire Code Requirements as they relate to Drapery and textiles.
  • Learn about Flame Retardant Application, Care and Maintenance for Drapery.
Date, Time & Location: Friday August 18, 2023 | 12:45 - 13:30 EDT | Meridian Hall - Main Boardroom (Meridian Hall Auditorium - Entrance near the Stage)
Duration: 45 mins
Level: General (for all)
Discipline: Health & Safety

Presenter: Zane Neily

Zane Neily is Account Manager at On-Site Drapery Cleaners. He has been in the industry for 3 years now and has had the opportunity to work across North America. As a team we have been lucky enough to work closely with Disney, Mirvish, NASA, and many more. We have seen it all.  In his spare time he enjoys chasing his two year old around with his wife and playing golf.