Celebration of Nations 2020 Virtual Edition

septembre 11 - 13, 2020


Celebration of Nations 2020 Virtual Edition

Friday September 11 - Sunday September 13, 2020

Coming up next week, the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre and Kakekalanicks Indigenous Consulting Company invite you to join the virtual edition of Celebration of Nations!

The full schedule for the annual gathering of Indigenous arts culture, and tradition can be found here. The event will run from September 11th - 13th.

The packed schedule includes the short film Starborn by Olivia Mater, a livestreamed performance from Six Nations of the Grand River of Blood Water Earth by renowned Indigenous creator Santee Smith of Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, livestreamed performances from Indigenous JUNO Award winners LeE HARVey OsMOND (aka Tom Wilson) and Celeigh Cardinal and 2020 Polaris Music Prize shortlisted artist Lido Pimienta, and more! The event will also include workshops, a Smoke Dance Contest, and the annual Procession of Nations (all newly virtual).

We invite you to share information about this exciting event with your networks and hope to "see" you at Celebration of Nations!

Find out more.